Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I underestimated my work load for school these last few days... :| I know that no excuse is good enough, but I'm using this one anyway. I WILL start on Monday though, and I will be posting my weight at the end of each week and I will post my measurements at the end of each month. My goal is to be down to 153 lbs by the end of May. I won't make monthly goals for my measurements because they are too hard to predict, but my ultimate measurement goals are 35-25-35. My nutrition challenge for this next week is to cut out junk food and excess sodium from my diet and to drink one gallon of water per day. Let's see how much of this junk is water weight! :) I'm always down for losing a few pounds just by cutting out salt and drinking more water. Make sure to tune in on Sunday May 1st for my first weigh-in! I'm excited! Oh and congratulations to my sister for cutting the baby weight gain down and getting back to her sleek self, and to my friend Bryn for graduating from BYU yesterday! You guys rock! Love ya. MEL