Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am grateful for friends today. I've been having a really hard time dealing with some stuff lately, and the other day one of my friends just sat with me while I cried. He rubbed my arm and tried to make me feel better and that was exactly what I needed. Dealing with the same issue, I called my sister, and she talked to me and told me all the things I needed to hear and made me feel like I can get through anything. Then I talked to another friend and he told me exactly what I didn't want to hear, but sadly it was probably true, and I need a reality check. I'm grateful for friends that listen, friends that care, and friends that tell you the truth no matter how much it hurts. I love you all! Thanks for being there. : )


Kate said...

Love you Mel! You CAN do anything!

Lisa said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! I'm sorry to hear that you've a hard time! I'm just a hop, skip and run away if you need anything! Love ya girly!

brittany said...

Hope all is well Melissa, I'm sorry you were having a not so fun time. not so fun times stink!